Hyperbaric oxygen remedy

Hyperbaric oxygen remedy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a well-established therapy for decompression sickness, a possible risk of scuba diving. Other conditions handled with hyperbaric oxygen therapy include critical infections, bubbles of air in your blood vessels, and wounds that won’t heal on account of diabetes or radiation injury.

In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, the air pressure is increased to a few instances higher than normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can collect a lot more oxygen than can be doable breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure.

When your blood carries this additional oxygen all through your body, this helps combat micro organism and stimulate the release of substances called progress factors and stem cells, which promote healing.

Why it’s accomplished

Your body’s tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function. When tissue is injured, it requires even more oxygen to survive. Hyperbaric oxygen remedy will increase the quantity of oxygen your blood can carry. With repeated scheduled therapies, the momentary further high oxygen levels encourage regular tissue oxygen levels, even after the remedy is completed.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used to deal with several medical conditions. And medical institutions use it in numerous ways. Your doctor may counsel hyperbaric oxygen therapy when you have one of many following conditions:

Extreme anemia

Brain abscess

Bubbles of air in your blood vessels (arterial gas embolism)


Carbon monoxide poisoning

Crushing injury

Deafness, sudden

Decompression sickness


An infection of skin or bone that causes tissue death

Nonhealing wounds, comparable to a diabetic foot ulcer

Radiation injury

Skin graft or skin flap at risk of tissue demise

Traumatic brain injury

Vision loss, sudden and painless


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is mostly a safe procedure. Complications are rare. However this treatment does carry some risk.

Potential risks embrace:

Middle ear injuries, including leaking fluid and eardrum rupture, as a result of adjustments in air pressure

Non permanent nearsightedness (myopia) caused by short-term eye lens changes

Lung collapse caused by air pressure modifications (barotrauma)

Seizures as a result of too much oxygen (oxygen toxicity) in your central nervous system

Lowered blood sugar in people who have diabetes treated with insulin

In sure circumstances, fire — because of the oxygen-rich surroundings of the treatment chamber

The way you put together

You may be provided with a hospital-approved gown or scrubs to wear rather than regular clothing throughout the procedure.

In your safety, items such as lighters or battery-powered gadgets that generate heat will not be allowed into the hyperbaric chamber. In addition, you could have to remove hair and skin care products which might be petroleum primarily based, as they are a possible fire hazard. Your health care workforce will provide instruction on making ready you to undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

During hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen remedy typically is performed as an outpatient procedure but can also be provided while you’re hospitalized.

Normally, there are two types of hyperbaric oxygen chambers:

A unit designed for 1 person. In an individual (monoplace) unit, you lie down on a table that slides into a clear plastic chamber.

A room designed to accommodate several people. In a multiperson hyperbaric oxygen room — which often looks like a large hospital room — you could sit or lie down. You might obtain oxygen via a mask over your face or a lightweight, clear hood positioned over your head.

Whether or not you are in an individual or multiperson surroundings for hyperbaric oxygen remedy, the benefits are the same.

During therapy, the air pressure within the room is about to a few occasions the normal air pressure. The elevated air pressure will create a brief feeling of fullness in your ears — just like what you may feel in an airplane or at a high elevation. You can relieve that feeling by yawning or swallowing.

For many conditions, hyperbaric oxygen therapy lasts approximately hours. Members of your health care crew will monitor you and the therapy unit all through your treatment.

After hyperbaric oxygen remedy

Your therapy crew assesses you together with looking in your ears and taking your blood pressure and pulse. If in case you have diabetes, your blood glucose is checked. Once the crew decides you might be ready, you will get dressed and leave.

You could feel somewhat tired or hungry following your treatment. This doesn’t limit regular activities.


To benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy, you will likely need more than one session. The number of periods relies upon your medical condition. Some conditions, such as carbon monoxide poisoning, is likely to be treated in three visits. Others, corresponding to nonhealing wounds, may require forty therapies or more.