How to Withdraw Money from Binance – Complete Step-by-Step Guide

How to Withdraw Money from Binance – Complete Step-by-Step Guide. Since we have covered the topic of withdrawing Euros from Binance in the last article, I have gotten a lot of questions from my readers to create another guide on how to withdraw money from Binance in other currencies like USD. If you are new to using Binance, or exchanges in general, it can get a bit confusing at times. With this article, I want to clear things up and leave nothing out. This is a complete guide on how to Withdraw Money from Binance in every possible way , as always written in a Beginner-Friendly Step-by-Step fashion including a video to follow along to. Before we get started, if you do not have a Binance account yet , use this link to sign up and get discounts on all of your trades for life over at Binance! Table of Contents. Step 1 – Convert Crypto to Fiat on Binance. Before we can actually get started with withdrawing money, we need to know how to convert our Crypto to Fiat. Gladly, Binance makes it really easy for us to convert Crypto to Fiat. There are a couple of ways on going about that, I show you the easiest first and gradually move towards the harder ways. Convert Crypto to Fiat using Binance Convert. Binance Convert only supports a few selected currencies, but it is by far the easiest way to convert Crypto to Fiat on Binance. Navigate to Trade -> Convert on the top navigation bar. Then you have to choose a currency you want to convert from, in this example BTC, and a currency you want to convert to, in this example EUR. Once you click on Preview Conversion, you have a 6-second grace period to accept the conversion at the rate that is shown to you. The rate is the current market price, once you click on convert, you have successfully converted Crypto to Fiat, it’s that easy. You just have to check which kind of Crypto / Fiat pairings are available. Sometimes you need to go through two conversions to get to your desired currency, but that is usually very easy. You can also see which currencies are available for the convert feature directly in your Binance wallet. Navigate to Wallet -> Fiat and Spot and check it out there.

Convert Crypto to Fiat using Spot Trading. Another way to convert Crypto to Fiat on Binance futures trade bitcoin coin crypto is by using Spot Trading . This is what you need to do with currencies where the Binance Convert feature is not available. To keep things simple, we use our Wallet as an example again. Let’s say we want to convert SLP to USDT , but the Binance Convert feature is not available to us. Click on Trade next to your token from your wallet and select the SLP/USDT trading pair.