A woman who was told she had an STD by her doctors after finding ulcers on her vagina was heartbroken to learn that she actually had a rare form of genital cancer – a decade after the same disease killed her dad

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A woman who was told she had an STD by her doctors after finding ulcers on her vagina was heartbroken to learn that she actually had a rare form of genital cancer – a decade after The Ayurvedic Approach to Breast Health same disease killed her dad.

Ann Heslin, 44, from , became alarmed when she began experiencing ‘incredible burning pain’ on her vulva in January 2021.

At first, she thought it was related to a waxing appointment she previously had, but when she noticed two ulcers had formed on her labia – she had a strong feeling that it was something serious.

Ann said that right away, she ‘knew in her heart’ that she had cancer, since her father had previously passed away from skin cancer and it looked very similar to what she had.

A woman who was told she had an STD by doctors after finding ulcers on her vagina learned she actually had a rare form of genital cancer - a decade after the same disease killed her dad

A woman who was told she had an STD by doctors after finding ulcers on her vagina learned she actually had a rare form of genital cancer – a decade after the same disease killed her dad

Ann Heslin, 44, from Louisiana, became alarmed when she began experiencing 'incredible burning pain' on her vulva in January 2021

Ann Heslin, 44, from Louisiana, became alarmed when she began experiencing ‘incredible burning pain’ on her vulva in January 2021

And when she noticed two ulcers had formed on her labia - she had a strong feeling it was something serious

And when she noticed two ulcers had formed on her labia – she had a strong feeling it was something serious

However, her dermatologist was convinced it was a sexually transmitted disease. 

‘It took a lot of courage for me to ask her to look at such a private area.But I was in so much pain that I needed to get some resolution,’ she told during a recent interview. ‘In my heart, I knew I had cancer.’

Ann’s doctor had her tested for STDs but they all came back negative.Still unsure of what was wrong, they started her on an ‘aggressive course of antibiotics and steroid cream.’

She recalled: ‘Nothing was working. It was just getting worse and worse. Every day I’d think, “Today is the day that these two ulcers go away.” I was in so much pain.’

The pain got so severe that Ann could hardly even walk.She added: ‘I was frankly very desperate for the solution.’

She then got a biopsy and discovered that she had squamous cell carcinoma – the same disease that took her father’s life in 2010.


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    Ann said that right away, she 'knew in her heart' that she had cancer, since her father (pictured) had previously passed away from skin cancer in 2010, and it looked similar to what she had

    Ann said that right away, she ‘knew in her heart’ that she had cancer, since her father (pictured) had previously passed away from skin cancer in 2010, and it looked similar to what she had

    However, her dermatologist was convinced it was a sexually transmitted disease and put her on antibiotics. But the pain got worse and worse - leaving her unable to walk

    However, her dermatologist was convinced it was a sexually transmitted disease and put her on antibiotics.But the pain got worse and worse – leaving her unable to walk

    She was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma - skin cancer that can develop anywhere on the body and is caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. She is pictured with her doctor

    She was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma – skin cancer that can develop anywhere on the body and is caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays.She is pictured with her doctor

    ‘Everybody in my family was concerned. I cried. My sister cried. My mom cried.’

    <div class="art-ins mol-factbox floatRHS femail" data-version="2" id="mol-f9e62000-7f8c-11ec-930c-3f5d794864f7" website finds ulcers on vagina, learns she has genital cancer